donderdag 31 oktober 2013

It might be old, but it still puts a smile on my face

I'm so pumped for Autumn

You, uh, okay there officer?

This is what commitment looks like.

Boxing training.

Mitch always asks tough questions

Wanna fight?

My foxy Halloween costume

My friend's dog has to wear a diaper and it's the saddest I've seen any animal...

This guy at the bank made my day

Bath time...

Today 75 years ago, Orson Welles trolled all the USA.

How not to bond with your new Espurr

Patrick Stewart just posted this to Twitter. Happy Halloween!

Banana MRI

Forgot it was Halloween; was greeted by this at the front door.

Go for it!

So I dressed my Guinea pig up for halloween...

That cop saved my life.

I took my pup to her first corn field yesterday. Needless to say she found a souvenir!

Let's just hope it's not venomous.

Am I the only one around here dressed as Walter Sobchak for Halloween?

Most interesting thing I have ever read while peeing, found it in Men's room of a pub.

Aw yiss...

Great Team Building Exercise

This is fantastic.

Tim Burton's Pokemon

Inflatable sumo suits!

This just made my day

When my girlfriend texts me 'I'm going to go through your browser history'

Neil Patrick Harris just posted this on Twitter

Pack of Huskies

Chocolate understands

I usually try and avoid these situations.

Epic battle

Sweet, but I would've forgiven them considering the context.

Universal Joint

Looking for a Halloween costume?

A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier

Stop the double standard!

This Face makes me laugh everytime

It's Happened

Did you feel the buuurrrn?!?

In early June I took home a kitten and was worried about introducing him to my ferrets. Watch him grow up with them:)

When they try to kick me out of the water park for "not listening to the attendant"

Being unable to afford the next-gen consoles, I think some of you can relate

What a show!

Lacking expertise